cheapest domain registration, renewal and transfer in Nepal
we are providing the cheapest domain registration, transfer, and renewal services since 2018.
Mero Hosting is one of the best affordable or you can say also the cheapest domain registration in Nepal.
because we are always providing affordable rates, and also each time creating a coupon code as in festival for customers, that Customers can get benefits from MeroHosting for Book domain and live on the internet.
Cheapest Domain Registration, Renewal, Transfer.
we ( MeroHosting ) are providing many TOPLevel Domain Like( .com,.net,.info,.org) many other extensions are for the cheapest domains registration renewal transfer in Nepal.
you can book your domain and make live in the Internet from here. Register now
Cheapest Domain Renewal
we are providing renewal services for all levels of the domain at an affordable rate. that can easily a customer can renew the domain for a year.
when a customer renews a domain then the customer can get a one-year validity date from the domain registered to date.
Cheapest Domain Transfer in or out
we are providing the cheapest transfer in services in Nepal.
when a customer wants to own a domain transfer in from another service provider, the customer can get one-year validity date from the domain registered date, with all services like ID protection, privacy protection, and email forwarding. and after one year you can renew own domain at our normal price without no any hidden charges,
you can domain transfer in from here to us Click Here
Domain Transfer out
customer can any time transfer out own domain from us without any charges